In memory of Cashphat

In memory of our father
Daniel J Brooks
June 20, 1957 to December 18,2011
We will always remember you
From his sons Rooster and Squatchy

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Helping Out

A priest is walking down the street one day when he notices a small boy tying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the doorbell is just out of his reach.

After watching the boy's efforts for some time, the priest moves closer to the boy's position. He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child's shoulder leans over and gives the doorbell a ring.

Crouching down to the child's level, the priest smiles benevolently and asks, "And now what, my little man?"

To which the boy turns and yells, "NOW WE RUN!"

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